Saturday 14 March 2015

Making the move to OpenGL 3+ (Part 4)

So I tried to get my little example to run on Windows and it threw up a few interesting things.

First off, I had forgotten to mention the shader files are in the resource folder. On Mac OS X I copy the contents into the resource folder of the application bundle. GLFW already ensures that is the working directly after initialization.
On windows the files get copied into the same folder as the exe. This is only a temporary solution. Eventually we'll look into packing the files for distribution.

I also had to make the move to GLEW. Without it there is no support for any of the OpenGL 3 commands. Microsoft isn't very interested to include support in their compilers because they rather have you work on Direct X. Understandable as Direct X generally is a generation ahead of OpenGL as far as the latest hardware is concerned though things are balancing out with OpenGL ES becoming as popular as it is in the mobile market.

I'll be changing the make files soon to also use GLEW on Mac OS X. On Windows we are lucky that fully compiled binaries are available so just download those and go. Again I've included just the base files into my GitHub repository but I highly recommend you download the latest files from the GLEW website. I also had issues getting the static libraries to link into the project so it is using the DLL for now.

GLEW is an extension manager. Basically it takes care of all the platform and hardware dependent issues so you don't have to worry about which specific extension function to call. You can also query the hardware to find out if it supports what you want to use. I currently am not doing so and already found out it will simply fall flat on its face if things are not supported.

I'm using this really nice AlienWare laptop with a state of the art nVidia graphics card but as it eats power like there is no tomorrow there is also a low power Intel GPU embedded that is used for less spectacular stuff. Generally the Intel chip will be used unless you start a game that requires power. For some reason that I have to look into it decided my little test application would work just fine with the Intel chipset not withstanding that OpenGL 3+ support on Intel hardware is non-existent. I had to go into the nVidia control panel to tell it to always used the nVidia GPU.

So there is a warning for you Windows people. Yes OpenGL is supported on Windows but poorly so. Especially all you poor people with non-gamer laptops, most have the Intel chipset in one form or another and you'll most likely get stuck. So far for X-platform support.

Embedding GLEW is pretty straight forward and requires us to do 2 changes, first include our GLEW library before you include GLFW:
// include GLEW
#include <GL/glew.h>

// include these defines to let GLFW know we need OpenGL 3 support 
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
And then right after creating your GLFW window you need to initialize GLEW:
  // create our window
  window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "GLFW Tutorial", NULL, NULL);
  if (window) {
    GLenum err;
    // make our context current
    // init GLEW
    err = glewInit();
    if (err != GLEW_OK) {
      error_callback(err, glewGetErrorString(err)); 
Note that we set a global called glewExperimental to true, without this OpenGL 3 won't be properly supported. I guess they are still working things out too:)

I also found out that the compiler that came with VC 2010 is slightly stricter when it comes to C then the mac one. It does not allow inline variable declarations, they must be placed at the start of code blocks.

Finally we had to enhance our makefile to copy our shader files and our GLEW32.DLL in place. Pretty straight forward.

GLEW on the MAC

Originally I wasn't planning on adding this but as I just updated the source code for Mac OS X I was reminded of the default installation of GLEW not compiling on my machine.

Download the source code for GLEW from:
Then unzip the contents somewhere to your liking. I've downloaded and tested this with GLEW 1.12.0 which is currently the latest version.

Unfortunately there are a few faults in the makefiles. First off, for Mac OS X there are three, Makefile.darwin (used by default), Makefile.darwin-ppc and Makefile.darwin-x86_64. You can find these in the config folder.

They build GLEW for the different platforms but then go and use AR to build the static libraries which will fail if we want to support universal binaries. So we need to make a few enhancements to the Makefile.darwin file.

We're going to add at the end of the file:
CFLAGS.EXTRA += -arch i386 -arch x86_64
LDFLAGS.EXTRA += -arch i386 -arch x86_64
LDFLAGS.STATIC += -static -o

Also note that all though LDFLAGS.STATIC is defined it isn't used in our central make file so we also need to edit the makefile in the root. Search for any accurance of "$(AR) cr" (there should be two) and change it to: $(AR) $(LDFLAGS.STATIC)

Now open up terminal, cd into the root of your GLEW source and type make.

Finally we have to add our new library to our folder structure and add it to our Mac OS X makefile. I've placed these all in the GitHub repository.

What's next?

I'll be playing around for a little while so the next blog post may take a week or two but I'm planning on diving into more 2D samples first. Most of these tutorials skip ahead right away to rotating 3D cubes and I feel an entire body of knowledge gets skipped. Learning some of the basics using 2D rendering techniques is definitely not wasted time and it postpones some of the really difficult stuff until we've covered some more of the basics. 

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